
Beyond the Struggle | The Unlikely Path to UTI Relief in Our Dementia Patient's Journey - My Mom's Story
Sam Cook Sam Cook

Beyond the Struggle | The Unlikely Path to UTI Relief in Our Dementia Patient's Journey - My Mom's Story

Caring for a loved one suffering from dementia presents numerous challenges. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the persistent struggles. Since January 2022, my mother has had 10 documented UTIs. Think about that for a second. That means over the last 23 months, she has been living with a UTI 43% of the time. Totally outrageous.

This lead me to explore alternative treatments that doctors may not have thought of. The good news - we may have found a couple that worked.

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The Hydration Solution for Dementia | Now in Canada!
Sam Cook Sam Cook

The Hydration Solution for Dementia | Now in Canada!

I am so grateful to be one of the first in Canada to unwrap the groundbreaking Jelly Drops before their official launch!

Discover why Jelly Drops are a beloved choice for individuals with dementia, the elderly, and those seeking innovative ways to stay hydrated.

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National PSW Day
Sam Cook Sam Cook

National PSW Day

May 19th was National PSW Day and I was thrilled to scrub in to support PSW students at Mohawk College in Hamilton, ON.

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A Little Giggle Can Help Brain Health!
Sam Cook Sam Cook

A Little Giggle Can Help Brain Health!

It's often said that laughter is the best medicine, but did you know that it's also great for your brain? That's right, according to science, laughter and humour can actually improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of dementia.

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Can Music Improve Cognitive Function?
Sam Cook Sam Cook

Can Music Improve Cognitive Function?

Music has long been recognized as a powerful tool for improving mood and reducing stress. But did you know that it can also have a significant impact on brain health, including reducing the risk of dementia?

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The Progression of Dementia
Sam Cook Sam Cook

The Progression of Dementia

Why is it, when you are raising children, there are 1000 people giving you advice on how to raise your kids – but when you have to take care of your aging parents, there’s just not enough info in the world to guide you.

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“Your Mom is Unresponsive”
Sam Cook Sam Cook

“Your Mom is Unresponsive”

In that moment, the world went silent.
My ears began to ring. My body froze.
A single tear drop rolled down my face and as it landed on the floor I could actually hear it hit the hardwood.
All I could hear was the word "unresponsive" over and over in my head. It felt like 30 minutes had passed, but in reality it was more like 30 seconds.

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The Caregiver Colouring Book Is Here!
Sam Cook Sam Cook

The Caregiver Colouring Book Is Here!

Being a caregiver to someone living with dementia can be extremely challenging. Many days are filled with stress, anxiety, lack of sleep and limited energy. One major mistake caregivers typically make is not setting aside enough time for their own mental health and well-being. Some people say that colouring is like meditation and helps take the focus off of caregiving if only for a few minutes at a time.

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Perfect Holiday Gift For Someone Living With Dementia
Sam Cook Sam Cook

Perfect Holiday Gift For Someone Living With Dementia

With the holidays around the corner, finding the perfect gift for someone living with dementia is not always easy. Busy caregivers are constantly trying to find activities for their loved one that does not require assistance to allow for more independence. That’s what makes the SMPL Music Player the perfect gift.

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Award-winning companion pets for those living with dementia
Sam Cook Sam Cook

Award-winning companion pets for those living with dementia

I am truly grateful to all the developers at Ageless Innovation who came up with such a wonderful and unique idea. This product brought peace and joy to my mother, in her darkest time of need. As a caregiver to someone living with dementia, all you can ever hope for is that they are internally at peace. We are the proud owner of 2 “Jacks” and I can honestly say it’s money well spent.

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6 low-energy activities you can do to entertain someone living with Dementia (while in lockdown)
Sam Cook Sam Cook

6 low-energy activities you can do to entertain someone living with Dementia (while in lockdown)

If you are living with a loved one who suffers from Dementia, you may not be getting the same help from the community that you once did in the beginning of 2020 - or perhaps, your loved one is now starting to show signs and symptoms. While we struggle to get back to “normal” life, more and more caregivers are struggling with burnout. The following are 6 activities you can do with your loved one living with Dementia to keep them safe, happy and engaged.

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Hamilton’s Lanc salutes a ‘Lancaster Lady’
Sam Cook Sam Cook

Hamilton’s Lanc salutes a ‘Lancaster Lady’

Sylvia Cook squinted into the harsh late morning sun. Overhead, Hamilton’s most famous plane, the Lancaster, circled, as pilot and Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum CEO Dave Rohrer tipped his wings to acknowledge one of the aircraft’s biggest fans. A fitting tribute for a ‘Lancaster Lady.’

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