About John & Sam.

John Cook (Caregiver for his wife)
John Cook knows far more than he ever wanted to know about Dementia. His wife of 53 years was diagnosed when she was only 65. For years, he was hoping the doctor’s were wrong. As each stage passed, it became harder and harder for John to care for his wife and navigate the disease on his own. He needed help to look after the love of his life. He will admit, he made many mistakes on this journey but in the end it lead him here to this moment. His wife now resides in Long Term Care where he visits daily as an Essential Family Caregiver. John’s hope is to pass on the knowledge he has gained since this journey began.

Sam Cook (Caregiver for her Mom)
At first, it just seemed like her Mom was forgetting things … until one day her Dad called to say Mom was in a car accident - and it seemed to have been her fault. A trip to the specialist shortly after that confirmed a diagnosis of dementia. Feeling helpless, Sam did what she needed to do and began to research about a disease that affects so many around the world in order to keep her Mom in her family home for as long as possible. Now, Sam is ready to share that information to other caregivers around the world who feel like giving up.

Photo Courtesy of Cathie Coward   (The Hamilton Spectator)

Photo Courtesy of Cathie Coward (The Hamilton Spectator)


“We understand the complete devastation you feel.
We also understand the lack of sleep, no energy, feelings of sadness, anger and guilt.
We are here to tell you -

— Sam & John